Relesys API Docs


Highscore Levels

Get Levels
GET /highscores/{highscoreId}/levels{highscoreId}/levels
Get a list levels attached the highscore with ID highscoreId.
Default sort is by name in ascending order.

Please note: This endpoint is only available if highscore levels have been enabled for the highscore.
Scopes: relesys.api, relesys.api:read, relesys.api.highscores, relesys.api.highscores:read
URL Path
highscoreId string / guid required
Query String
alias string Filterable Sortable optional
id string / guid Filterable optional
name string Filterable Sortable optional
requiredPoints integer Filterable Sortable optional
sort string Comma separated sort order based on sortable properties optional
offset integer Offset value for use in pagination Default: 0 optional
limit integer Total objects to fetch (max 1000) Default: 200 optional
{"count":2,"data":[{"id":"824c60c9-57f9-4320-819d-11db6ba48dda","name":"Highscore level name example 1","externalId":"External Id example 1","requiredPoints":100},{"id":"37757c91-80c0-442b-950c-e6bd1e6feacb","name":"Highscore level name example 2","externalId":"External Id example 2","requiredPoints":250}]}
  count integer      
  data array[object]      
   alias string      
   id string / guid      
   name string      
   requiredPoints integer      
  nextUrl string      
  previousUrl string