Relesys API Docs



Get Data Lists
GET /dataLists
Get a list of data lists.
Default sort is by sortOrder in ascending order.

type - This field displays the type of the data list. Currently, the available types are:
  • Catalog
  • Customer
  • DateInterval
  • Default
  • Department
  • Scored
  • User
  • User Group
media - This field can only be set when the type is catalog.
Scopes: relesys.api, relesys.api:read, relesys.api.datalists, relesys.api.datalists:read
Query String
creationDateTime datetimeoffset Filterable Sortable optional
externalId string Filterable Sortable optional
id string / guid Filterable optional
isEnabled boolean Filterable optional
lastModifiedDateTime datetimeoffset Filterable Sortable optional
sortOrder integer Filterable Sortable optional
type string Filterable Sortable optional
sort string Comma separated sort order based on sortable properties optional
offset integer Offset value for use in pagination Default: 0 optional
limit integer Total objects to fetch (max 1000) Default: 200 optional
{"count":2,"data":[{"id":"f44eb183-def1-4224-9c4a-997556c5d11d","url":null,"type":"Default","sortOrder":0,"media":null,"isEnabled":true,"externalId":"Data list external Id example 1","creationDateTime":"2024-10-03T23:45:44.0730546+00:00","lastModifiedDateTime":"2024-10-04T23:45:44.0730546+00:00","locales":[{"culture":"da-DK","title":"Data list locale title example 1"}]},{"id":"cad8e571-7726-40dd-9307-201a1109846e","url":null,"type":"Default","sortOrder":1,"media":null,"isEnabled":true,"externalId":"Data list external Id example 2","creationDateTime":"2024-10-03T23:45:44.0730546+00:00","lastModifiedDateTime":null,"locales":[{"culture":"da-DK","title":"Data list locale title example 2"},{"culture":"en-GB","title":"Data list locale title example 3"}]}]}
  count integer      
  data array[object]      
   creationDateTime datetimeoffset      
   externalId string      
   id string / guid      
   isEnabled boolean      
   lastModifiedDateTime datetimeoffset      
   locales array[object]      
    culture string      
    title string      
   media object      
    contentType string      
    downloadUrl string      
    fileName string      
    id string / guid      
    referenceUrl string      
   sortOrder integer      
   type string      
   url string      
  nextUrl string      
  previousUrl string